VoIP Yonder

Get 2 instant free numbers for your business - No Setup or Monthly Fees

No frills, simple redirection to Landline, Mobile or SIP on either PAYG or Low Cost Minute Allowances

Includes Inclusive landline and mobile redirection minutes for free each month!


Step 1 -
Register Online

  • Same day account activation
  • For businesses only in the United Kingdom
  • Instant Number Activation online

Step 2 -
Select your free Numbers

Choose a number:

  • Want a local presence? Select a local number
  • Want a national presence? Select an 03 number
  • Want to cover the cost of your callers call? Select an 0800 number

Step 3 -
Redirect your number

Choose where a number should be diverted to:

  • Your Landline
  • Your Mobile
  • SIP URI - SIP DID (PBX/SBC etc.)
  • Or setup a number as a Fax2email (i.e get emailed a fax when someone sends you a fax)


Step 4 - Understand Costs

Accounts work on a prepaid basis (i.e you topup your account online and the cost comes out of that)

  • Each Month we will provide you (for free) either 60 minutes to redirect either to landline or 30 minutes to landlines/mobile* (0800 have an access charge; see pricing page)

If you usage is low, then stay on Pay as You Go.

  • £0.8p/min to landline
  • £1.25p/min to Mobile
  • £0.3p/min to SIP

If you have many calls, it may make sense to take out a monthly allowance and save.

  • Landline Allowances from £5/mth
  • Mobile Allowances from £4/mth
  • Unlimited SIP Allowances for each number (£0.75/mth)

If you require additional numbers, then the cost is £0.75/mth.

See our pricing page for bundle details and more information.

0800 Numbers have an access charge of 3p/min in addition to the redirection (i.e this is ontop of any redirect cost, or if redirect is included in a bundle, then you only pay the access charge)

* Your account will automatically be enabled for 30 minutes free to landlines and mobiles. Should you require 60 minutes to landlines only (i.e no mobile inclusive calls), then you can change this in your account. See the FAQ on how to change this. After your free allowance is used, PAYG rates will apply unless you change your tariff which includes an allowance of minutes. Your allowances are pooled on account, meaning all your numbers will make use of your allowances.

All Pricing excludes VAT.

Important: Numbers must receive at least 1 answered call per 3 months to remain active on any number that is part of your free allowance.


If you have a query about our service or how to migrate from your current setup to us (it’s easier than you think) then open a support ticket.